Do you know you are consuming a lot of chemicals each day? Surprised? Well, you will be more surprised to know that this chemical comes from the food you consume every single day. Yes, you heard it right. Every time you eat a meal, you may assume that your food is power-packed with nutrients, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Sadly, not every food is healthy!
In order to understand if your food is unhealthy, figure out if you are someone who is relying primarily on inorganic or ready-to-cook/ready-to-eat food? If yes, then note that this kind of food is not at all healthy. In fact, it is havoc on your health in the long run.
Inorganic food is generally exposed to a lot of chemicals that come from insecticides and pesticides being sprayed on it when the food is in the field. While ready to consume or ready to cook food is filled with preservatives that are added with the purpose to maintain the shelf life of the food.
The intake of either or both of these varieties of food has been reported to deteriorate health when taken over a period of time. The worst part is that the majority of the young generation consumes this variety of food due to their busy work schedule, lack of time, or poor food buying skills.
Through this piece of writing let’s have a look at those health hazards that are eventually springing up in youngsters due to the excess intake of preservatives or chemical-stuffed food.
Effect of Preservatives and Pesticides on Health
1. Premature Greying of Hair:
This is the most common concern irrespective of gender. Premature greying of hair is not only unhealthy but also takes the person’s confidence away. Various research studies claim that exposure to pollution along with the intake of food that has a lot of preservatives can trigger this condition. In a study, it has also been found that switching to organic food delays greying and in some cases can reverse premature greying. This is an indication of how greying of hair is directly affected by food intake.
2. Poor Vision:
Weak eyesight, blurry vision, and watery eyes are some of the common eye conditions that are most prevalent in the younger generation. Further, studies have shown that exposure to pesticides can affect the ocular structure of the eye and color vision. So, if you are someone who already has poor vision, avoid inorganic and preservative-containing food.
3. Low Immunity:
In order to boost and build immunity, it is important that you consume healthy, organically grown, wholesome food. On the contrary, if your food contains pesticides, fertilizers, chemicals, and preservatives your health status will decline. Intake of pesticides not only weakens the immune system but also results in a range of health disorders that could be fatal.
4. Infertility:
Female and male infertility, both are common concerns of the young generation of the 21st century. In a recent survey, it has been found that every 5 couples in 11 are infertile. Most of the time the cause of this infertility remains unknown.

Going back to the roots, reproductive complaints or infertility has closely been linked to inorganic food, preservatives, and pesticides. If you are among those struggling with fertility issues, turn towards a healthier and cleaner lifestyle by adopting an active workout regimen and eating organic, fresh food.
5. Mood Swings and Depression:
The widespread use of pesticides is the biggest threat to mental health. Some of the pesticides contain a poisonous substance that is destructive to the tissues of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). Prolonged intake of this kind of pesticide-containing food can lead to unexplained mood swings, headaches, depression, anxiety, and irritability.
6. Asthma:
Asthma is another hit medical condition that can be diagnosed in youngsters. Earlier asthma was considered as an elderly disease. But, now it’s more prevalent in young adults. Research studies have found that pesticides have the potential to damage bronchial mucosa and cause the airway to become more sensitive. Intake of pesticides for a really long period of time can exacerbate a previous asthmatic condition or even increase the frequency of asthma attacks in an asthmatic young adult.
Take Away:
Poor eating habits like consuming a lot-pre-packed food products, junk food, and inorganic food have led to a lot of medical complaints. At times people may/may not know the real cause of their illness and may tend to ignore eating healthy and organic. The younger generation should understand this and make a gradual shift in their lifestyle and eating patterns. This will enable them to stay active, fit, and robust even in their late 60’s!