India has one of the largest populations of tobacco users, with about 267 million adults consuming tobacco in some form. Smokeless tobacco products, such as khaini, gutkha, and betel quid with tobacco are the most common, followed by smoking forms like bidi, cigarette, and hookah. 

The prevalence of tobacco use varies significantly across states. For example, Mizoram has the highest usage rates, with 72.9% of men and 61.6% of women consuming tobacco, while Punjab has the lowest rates, with 12.9% of men and 0.4% of women using tobacco​. 

Reducing tobacco use remains a critical public health goal. Through this article, let’s unlock healthy lifestyle ways that can help control tobacco intake. 

How to control tobacco addiction naturally?

Adopting a healthy lifestyle can significantly aid in controlling and eventually quitting tobacco use. Here are several lifestyle changes and strategies that can help:

1. Indulge in Physical Activity:

Indulge in Physical Activity

Regular exercise can help reduce nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Engaging in physical activities such as walking, running, swimming, or cycling can boost mood, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. Exercise also helps manage weight gain that can sometimes accompany quitting smoking.

2. Consume Healthy Diet:

Consume Healthy Diet

A balanced diet can help manage the physical and psychological aspects of quitting tobacco. Foods rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins support overall health and can improve mood and energy levels. Drinking plenty of water helps flush nicotine and toxins from the body.

3. Manage Day-To-Day Stress:

Indian Couple meditating/ doing yoga in park to Manage Day-To-Day Stress

Learning to manage stress effectively is crucial for avoiding tobacco use. Techniques such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation can reduce stress and anxiety, making it easier to resist the urge to smoke.

4. Take Help From Friends & Society:

Take Help From Friends and Society

Having a strong support system in place can help with accountability and inspiration. This includes sharing your goal to quit with friends and family, joining support groups, or using online forums. Support from others who understand your struggle can be invaluable​.

5. Take Adequate Sleep:

Take Adequate Sleep

For good mental and physical and mental health, adequate, sound sleep is crucial.  Poor sleep can increase stress and cravings, making it harder to quit tobacco. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to help the body recover and reduce the likelihood of relapse.

6. Avoid Known Triggers:

Avoid Known Triggers

Identify and avoid situations or activities that trigger the urge to use tobacco. This might include certain social settings, drinking alcohol, or being around other smokers. Finding alternative activities and changing routines can help reduce these triggers.

7. Indulge in Healthy Hobbies:

Indulge in Healthy Hobbies

Engaging in new hobbies or activities can distract from cravings and reduce the focus on smoking. Hobbies such as gardening, painting, playing musical instruments, or learning a new skill can provide positive outlets and improve mental health.

8. Seek for Professional Help:

Seek for Professional Help

Seeking help from healthcare providers can provide additional support and resources. This might include counselling, prescription medications, or nicotine replacement therapies. Professional guidance can personalise the quitting plan and address specific challenges​.

9. Read Educational Resources:

Read Educational Resources

Educating oneself about the harmful effects of tobacco and the benefits of quitting. Knowledge can empower one to make healthier choices and stay committed to one’s goals.

Combining these strategies can create a comprehensive approach to quitting tobacco and adopting a healthier lifestyle. Each individual’s journey to quitting is unique, so it may take time to find the right combination of methods that work best for you.


Tobacco use in India is a significant public health issue, responsible for approximately 1.35 million deaths annually. This translates to around 3,699 deaths per day, or 154 deaths every hour​.

Controlling tobacco addiction is vital for improving individual health outcomes, reducing healthcare costs, enhancing the quality of life, protecting public health, and minimizing environmental damage. 

Reducing stress and establishing a daily routine that includes regular exercise, healthy meals, and adequate sleep can help with tobacco de-addiction. Additionally, professional help and social support can work as a catalyst on your journey of quitting tobacco addiction.